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Day 1 – Dec 6, Afternoon

Setting the Stage

  1. Welcome, Introductions, and Goals for the meeting (Chris Martin)
    • Review Chatham House rules and confidentiality of presentations
  2. Setting the Stage – The Global OIR Landscape on the ground
    • The US and international landscape
    • Why large telescopes are essential in the coming decades
    • ESO and the European ELT project
    • Why the world needs three Extremely Large Telescopes
  3. Vision for the US Extremely Large Telescope Program (David Silva)
  4. Capabilities and Status of the GMT (20 min) (Pat McCarthy)
  5. Capabilities and Status of the TMT (20 min) (Tom Soifer and Claire Max)
  6. The Key Science Program paradigm (Mark Dickinson)
    • Highlights of the Key Science Program workshop
  7. Lessons from past decadals (Michael Moloney – via video)
  8. Thinking about the audience for decadals: Agencies and Congress (Jeremy Weirich -ppt & Rita Colwell – via video)
  9. Recap Joint Efforts
  10. Review agenda for Day 2 and ask for any modifications

Day 2 – Dec 7, Morning

Assessing and Managing Risks (Potential topics, others to be selected on Day 1)

  1. Risks to the US ELT Concept – Decadal Survey, Social, Financial, Technical
    •  Open discussion of risks for the two-telescope concept
  2. How to see our project from other peoples’ perspectives
    • What are the projects missing by being too close to the problem?
  3. Achieving Success with Key Science Projects
    • How to benefit all of astronomy
    • What makes for a successful project?
  4. How to navigate the Decadal Survey Process and Policymakers
  5. Properly scoping a state-of-the-art ELT system
    • Sampling the full parameter space of capabilities
    • Optimizing – finding strength in two telescopes rather than one
    • Ensuring early impact
    • Sustaining support after the first 5-10 years
  6. Short answers to common questions
    1. Why two telescopes?
    2. How much will it cost?
    3. How will it affect my own research?
    4. Others….?
  7. Other topics TBD

Day 2 – Dec 7, Afternoon

  1. Takeaway thoughts and actions
    • Reprise of the US ELT Program and two telescope projects risks
    • Insights gleaned from the discussion
    • Areas needing further thought and work
  2. Executive Session(s) [may be interspersed throughout the meeting]
    • In the absence of the projects and/or funders are there topics that should be discussed?
  3. Next steps
    • Is there any interest in reporting on the outcomes of this meeting (optional).
    • Follow-up actions
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